Saturday, January 15, 2011

The result of 96% of HR positions being held by women


Attractive men were clearly favored, receiving a 19.9% response rate from employers–nearly 50% higher than the response rate for plain-looking men and twice the rate of the men not pictured.

Meanwhile, the opposite proved true for women. Female candidates who did not include a picture were most likely to receive a call from the employer, with a response rate 22% higher than plain-looking women and an incredible 30% higher than the attractive women. The authors said these findings contradict previous research that found attractiveness to be beneficial in terms of employment and salary levels for both genders.

Why are pretty women penalized? In almost every case (96% of the time), the resume screener was a woman between the ages of 23 and 34. This disparity is not nation specific either. Women are twice as likely as men to work in human resources positions in the U.S., according the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Therefore, the researchers conclude that female jealousy holds other women back from recruitment.

In other news, US authorities make a bust.



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